
  • APAA Association of Professional Aestheticians of Australia
  • SPCP Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals
  • ASEM American Society of Aesthetic Medicine
  • HWKH Association of German Medical Skin Therapy
  • BABTAC British Association of Beauty Therapy & Cosmetology
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Cosmetic Tattoo Clinic Price List

Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattoo – all techniques available

Leila offers a variety of cosmetic tattoo eyebrows including: eyebrow feathering, HD brows, microblading, eyebrow embroidery, Powder Ombré

Price: $850 (includes 2 treatments AND A 3 month guarantee check/touchup) However if more touchups are needed, there is no extra cost

Upper Eyeliner Cosmetic Tattoo

Accentuate the top of your eyes with permanent eyeliner.

Price: $550–Fine (lash enhancement),  $700–Medium, $850–Thick,   $980-extra thick  (includes 2 treatments) However if more touchups are needed, there is no extra cost!

Lower Eyeliner Cosmetic Tattoo

Accentuate the bottom of your eyes with permanent eyeliner.

Price: $550 – Fine, $700 – Medium, Thick NA (includes 2 treatments) However if more touchups are needed, there is no extra cost

Full lip Cosmetic Tattoo

Leila can apply the colour of your choice, enlarging or altering the shape of your lips as desired.

Price: $980 (includes 3 treatments and 3 month guarantee check/touchup) However if more touchups are needed, there is no extra cost!

Cosmetic Tattoo Repair/Colour Correction

Don’t put up with cosmetic tattoos that you do not LOVE.

Usually an extra $400 will be charged to the price as colour correction is difficult and requires at least 2 extra treatments. However once I have made a commitment to you, I PROMISE you will get the result we discussed and showed you in the consult.

Para Medical Cosmetic Tattoo – Areola & Nipple Restoration

This specialised work will create a nipple and areola for you to help with that feeling of “completion” after breast surgery and for many other varied and complex reasons.

Price: Price will vary depending on scarring

Diathermy Treatment

Remove many skin issues such as red veins, skin tags, moles, warts, thread veins, whiteheads or other unwanted skin lump and bumps.

Price: $120 per treatment

Electrolysis Treatment

This is the most successful permanent method of hair removal, great for small areas such as your chin/individual hairs.

Price: $65 per treatment (15 minutes ca 30-40 hairs)

Touch Up Price List

All touchups are 50% discount of the price today, regardless of time from original treatment. This will also include the month after checkup and extra touch up if needed. Please note, this is only offered to my own original clients.


Gift Vouchers

Treat someone to a Cosmetic Tattoo Clinic gift voucher!

Purchase a gift voucher for a variety of treatments such as cosmetic tattoo eyebrows, eyeliner or lips.

With over 15 years experience in cosmetic tattoo, Leila will ensure that they are thrilled with their new look.

To purchase a gift voucher contact  0407 100 333.

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